Contact us

Contact ArcelorMittal Brasil. Send your message by filling in the form with your question, suggestion or request for information. If you prefer, call one of the indicated phones.

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This channel aims to facilitate the communication of whistleblowings, strengthening the Culture of Integrity in our company.

Anyone can report situations that they believe are not in compliance with ArcelorMittal Brasil's policies and values. The denouncement can be made anonymously, if the whistleblower wishes to do so.

All complaints received will be evaluated and investigated, ensuring the confidentiality of the matter and the protection of the whistleblower.

Click here to make the report or follow up on the report already made.

Consult information on payments by the Supplier Relationship Center by calling (31) 3219-1313, or access the ArcelorMittal NET portal

The recruitment and selection of employees and interns to work at ArcelorMittal Brasil is carried out based on the base of resumes registered at the link

Expand your placement opportunities on our teams! Make your registration and follow your application.

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